Ah! Gas Grills. Gods gift to the outdoors man living in urban America. There’s nothing quite like the aroma of food cooking on a gas grill, and nothing more frustrating than a grill that isn’t working properly.
The biggest problem with repairing a gas grill is well, the gas. It’s both flammable and explosive. So make sure that you turn off your tank valve and disconnected your grill from its fuel source if you decide to work on your grill yourself. The other issue with repairing a gas grill is that it’s dirty work.
Posetek Appliance Services is one of the few appliance repair companies qualified, certified and licensed to work on gas appliances in the State of Florida.
We put our people through qualified gas training programs because working with gas is dangerous, not only for our technicians, but for the homeowner as well.
Some of the problems you may encounter with your gas grill include: